In my years as a doctor, I have had the privilege of working on multiple research projects with my colleagues. In order to further the science around human aging, I co-founded and currently serve as the Chief Medical Officer for Genescient, a biotechnology company that develops novel therapies to target the chronic diseases associated with aging. 

I thought my readers might be interested in seeing some research I helped conduct on Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of disease in the U.S., and it robs people of their personalities and memories long before it robs them of their lives. Our research found that a specific botanical mixture stabilized cognitive decline in patients with mild Alzheimer’s and slowed cognitive decline in people with moderate forms of the disease. I have attached a write-up of our research for interested readers. Alzheimer’s is a cruel disease for which there is currently no cure. I am hopeful that my research may help ease the suffering of Alzheimer’s patients and their families while science continues to work toward a cure.